20 Years Ago were GMA Anime Assault aired way back March 20,2000

      I remember the teaser way back August 1999 and I was in Grade 6 during that time as teaser featured on GMA 7 for the upcoming Anime titles to be aired soon, well I'm very familiar to Ranma 1/2 because I've already watched it in 1996 on RPN,seriously I'm not watching too much  Animes on GMA only Pokemon because some of the Anime like Voltes V, Daimos and Ghost Fighter  were only re-aired and I already finished these following series on IBC 13 until seven months later on March 2020 new Animes were announced aired on 6:30-7:00 pm and they are Hell Teacher Nube on Mondays, Ranma 1/2 on Tuesdays, Master of Mosquiton on Wednesdays, Monster Rancher on Thursdays, Vision of Escaflowne my most favorite Anime on Fridays and Fushigi Yuugi aired on Fridays from 8:00-8:30 pm, as I really like the moments watching these Animes after the news Frontpage and before Dragon Ball Z, for me this is the best gift after I graduated in Grade 6 and become 1st year high school, and that is the reason why I love the year 2000 for some reason. For you what is your favorite Anime Assault experience ?


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