Adobo the National Food of The Philippines? (Agree with that)

          I'm strongly agree for the proposal of the Pinoy Favorite Dish Adobo being a national food of the Philippines.Just remembering my childhood days ,when my teacher teaches us that our National food of the Philippines was Lechon Baboy.But the past few years I've realized that Lechon Baboy or we called it Roasted Pork Internationally is really common in different countries in Europe and Asia. So why Lechon Baboy can be a national food if its internationally common and expensive that rich Filipinos can afford this dish?So I'd prefer Adobo because everybody can afford for just buying and affordable soy sauce,vinegar,salt,pepper and choices of meat (Chicken,pork,beef and fish). A national thing for the Philippines should be a unique and can't found on different countries ,but only in the Philippines.



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